Springdale Parent Support Group
Do you have a child in Springdale Primary School and have an interest to be a Parent Volunteer (PV)? If so, do sign up as a PV today using this parent volunteer form. If you have any queries, please feel free to email Mrs Jaslyn Lim at cai_yuyu@moe.edu.sg or call her at 6315 7600.
Springdale Primary Parent Support Group
Springdale Primary Parent Support Group (PSG) is a vibrant community of parents working together to enrich our children's educational journey at Springdale Primary School. We are a vital part of the school community, building bridges between the school and families.
We support school activities by volunteering at events, assisting with student programmes, and helping build a more connected school community through family-oriented activities and networking opportunities.
Our Vision
Building meaningful partnerships between parents and school to help every child thrive.
Our Mission
We collaborate with the school to create an engaging learning environment that brings out the best in our children
We support parents with resources and guidance, empowering them to be active partners in their child's education
We organise fun, creative activities that inspire our children to learn, grow, and work together
Connect with Us:
Email: sdps.psg@gmail.com
Instagram: @springdale_psg
Facebook: Springdale Primary Parent Support Group
As a PV, you will also have opportunities to bond with other like-minded parents. Here’re some past events that our PVs were involve in:
a. School Events

b. Bonding Activities

As depicted in the 3-leaves clover on our school crest, education is a partnership between the home, school and community. We hope to see more parents joining us. If you are keen to join us, kindly complete the form at the top of this page.