Green Club
The Green Artists CCA aims to deepen students’ awareness and understanding of environmental issues and develop the values and attitudes that promote a greater sense of personal responsibility and concern for the environment. Students will have opportunities to work on various green activities and projects and at the same time, acquire life skills such as working collaboratively in a team and communicating their ideas and projects to others confidently.
2017 Sustainable Singapore School Art Competition
This year, seven Green Artists Club members participated in an Art Competition, organised by PacificLight, which was supported by National Environmental Agency (NEA). The theme of the art competition was on “Being an Energy Hero”. Students drew or created a poster on what they could do on their part to reduce energy usage at home, in school or in their environment.
We are proud to announce that the work of our student, Leow Rou En, P4R, has won the Merit Winner (Upper Primary Category). Her artwork will be featured in PacificLight’s 2018 Corporate Calendar. Congratulations to our young aspiring Green Artist!
Artist’s Statement:
I want everyone to know that they can be an Energy Saving Hero. Each image in my poster portrays simple practices that we can apply in daily life. To capture the attention of my audience, I used vivid and purposeful illustrations. By saving energy, we are saving money at the same time!