School Rules and Regulations
The adherence to the school rules and regulations will help to build a school that is safe and conducive for learning. Disciplinary systems and measures are put in place by the school to enable students to understand what is expected of them and also to understand the consequences of both positive and negative behaviours.
All students are expected to adhere to the school rules and regulations, in particular the following:
- Students who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the Pledge. Students will take the Pledge with the right fist over the heart.
- Students are to wear the prescribed school uniform and modification to the uniform is not allowed.
- Male students must be clean-shaven and neat in appearance
- All students are not allowed to have in their possession any weapon. They are also not allowed to bring any weapon-like item which can be used or intended to be used to cause harm to others.
- Students are to be respectful and observe good conduct at all times.
Attire and Grooming
- Students must wear the school uniform whenever they are in the school premises and when they are out representing the school for external competitions/activities.
- Students are only allowed to put on the PE attire on days when they have PE lessons, PAL lessons, learning journeys or enrichment programmes.
- Students must keep their fingernails short, clean and unpainted. No nail polish is allowed and no henna art is allowed on any part of the body.
- Only girls are allowed to wear ear studs/sticks. Only one identical pair of simple silver or black ear studs/sticks are allowed.
- No items of personal adornment, jewellery, talisman, e.g. anklet, ring, pendant, friendship band or expensive watches should be worn to school.
- Only plain white, black or dark blue sweaters are allowed to be worn in school.
- All P3 to P6 girls are to wear their skirt over their shorts when they come in their PE attire on days when they have PE, CCA or Learning Journeys. They must be in their school PE T-shirt and skirt (with shorts under) and can only remove their skirt during PE or CCA lessons. After which, they are expected to put on their skirt after PE or CCA lessons.
- Students who are having Swimsafer, International Dance or Gymnastics lessons and are wearing their costumes or tights to school under their PE attire should ensure their costumes or tights are well tucked in and not exposed. They are to change out of these costumes or tights after their lesson.
Descriptions of Material and Design of School Uniform and PE Attire:
Material - CVC 60% Cotton & 40% Polyester, Wrinkle-Free, GP finishing for easy
Design - Both have checked pattern strip along inner lining of collar and front button
area; Blouse - Caps sleeve and round collar; Shirt - Regular sleeve and collar
Shorts and Skirt:
Material - Tetron Rayon, 65% Polyester & 35% Rayon;
Design - Fabric is navy blue checked with fine white and red lines
PE T-shirt:
Material - Coolmax (100% Polyester Dri-Fit Outer Shell & 100% Cotten undr lining);
Design - White with mandarin collar and sleeve
PE Shorts:
Material - 100% Polyester Micro Fibre Peach Skin with cotton underpants;
Design - Navy Blue Colour with school name embroidery
Student’s Conduct
Pupils are to be respectful and observe good conduct at all times. (Refer to pupils’ handbook for more information)
Pupils are to adhere to school rules and ensure safety of every one at all times.
During PE lessons
- You are to be in PE attire. Put on footwear at all times. Use spectacles with plastic frames and plastic lens if you need to.
- Do not participate in PE lessons if you have medical exemptions . Inform the PE teacher of your medical exemption and the duration of the exemption. You must produce relevant documents like a Medical Certificate to support the exemption.
- If you injure yourself during PE, alert your teacher even if it is a minor injury so that you will be properly assessed and treatment can be given to you by a certified First Aider.
- You are not allowed to remain in the classroom during the PE lesson. Please follow the class to the venue of the lesson.
- For any other health matters, please speak with your PE or Form Teacher.
- Move indoors when the Lightning Warning System is flashing.
Items that are not allowed to be brought to school
Items that can be confiscated from pupils are those that are banned by the
State, are prohibited for use in school, cause harm to self, other pupils or teachers or cause nuisance, annoyance or disruption to other pupils or teachers.
Items that can be confiscated include:
- pornographic materials
- comics depicting violence or using abusive languages
- magic cards and all other playing cards
- electronic toys, music players, soft toys
- materials that can be used as weapons or to vandalise properties, e.g. comb with pointed ends, knives (including penknives), sharp metal rulers,
lighter, laser pointer, spray paints - cigarettes
- substances that can be abused
- chewing gum
- accessories that are not part of the school uniform, if worn, e.g.
- bandanas
- multiple ear studs, ear sticks, nose or tongue studs
Parents will be called to collect the confiscated items from the school.